~If you dared yourself to move on, you will succeed~ John J Loco™

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Final Year Project

Lately i've been busy finishing my final year project. my project is about simulating a rocket flight control system. the control system including the guidance system. i am simulating this using LabVIEW. However, I still did not manage to finish it. but it does not really matter cuz the anlysis part will be done next semester.. so anyone knew anything about labview, do cntct me.. really in need..

p/s : this post is for Mr. Suresh and Nazmi Prosper System Engineering Sdn Bhd. I kindly remark this post for both of you...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Malaysia's Largest Military Self Defence Show

During UPNM ConvoFest 2010, the largest military self defence show was held in UPNM. This show is recorded in the Malaysian Book of Record. And I am proudly participated in it. HOORAAH!!!

Thats me, second from right, back row

for video, but only part of it, click here

p/s: we are not playing soldiers, we are REAL soldiers

Click Here